Summer Week 5: Machines in Motion

Category: Children's Nature Retreat, Engineering, Environmental Science, Robotics, Science, STEM, Summer Camp, USS Midway, Zoology

This week at EIS we’ll be focusing on machines in motion! Our highlighted activities are in Robotics and Engineering class. Throughout the week in these classes, students will work on making different types of motors and understanding the mechanics of simple machines. In Ecology students will learn and understand how machines work around the ocean and the ecosystem. To end the week we will make our way down to the USS Midway for an awesome field trip exploring the massive retired navel aircraft carrier! Click here to learn more about the USS Midway!

– Scroll down to view pictures from last weeks adventures –

Students couldn’t contain their smiles after feeding all the animals at the children’s Nature Retreat!



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Elementary Institute of Science
608 51st Street
San Diego, CA 92114