Register for Fall Programs at EIS!
Alumni Spotlight: The Williams Family
At EIS, we feel so much excitement for the students who walk through our doors eager to learn. We are hopeful for their futures and the opportunities that await. When those students return to share how EIS helped inspire them in their careers, our gratitude is over the moon. Recently a parent of EIS alumni reached out to share the success of their children who frequently attended summer camp.
Janie and Don Williams look at the EIS newsletter each month when it comes to their mailbox. Janice’s mother Vivien Duncan was instrumental in establishing the foundations of EIS with Tom Watts many years ago. Their 3 children, Vivien’s grandchildren, attended EIS summer camps for many years in their youth. They lived in the Los Angeles area and would drive down for summer instruction.
Janice and Don are proud to report that all their children earned their college degrees and are working in their chosen fields. Their daughter Stephanie graduated from UCSD Medical School and is now a practicing resident doctor in San Diego. Her favorite memory at EIS was dissecting squids to see their internal body structure.

Their son Colin graduated from UC, Santa Cruz in software engineering and now works at Cisco in Sunnyvale. His favorite memory was learning about programming using Lego Robotics.

Their other son Alex graduated from Cal State, Bakersfield and now works as a DoD HR manager. His favorite memories were the creative projects they got to build. The hot air balloons and other creative things taught him concepts that were easily understood.

Their hard work combined with their parent’s and grandmother’s support and connections with EIS has added to make them all vital citizens of our community.
Join the Mathemagicians Saturday Homework Club
If you would like to participate, email Include your email, your child’s grade, and math concepts they are working on (or share an attachment of their homework). Mentors will offer help, more practice problems or worksheets. This includes SAT math help as well. They will monitor this email daily so you don’t have to wait until Saturday to ask for help.
Save the Date: October 25, 2023!
Have you participated in programs or volunteered at the Elementary Institute of Science?
Whether you’re still in high school, college, working or retired, we want to know what you’ve been up to and if you have thoughts about any impact EIS had on your life or career. Please send an email to our Development Assistant, Leah Oviedo at
EIS alumni are invited to join our official group to reconnect and stay updated on future reunions.