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October 2023 Newsletter

Category: Newsletter

Join EIS at the San Diego Equitable AI Education Summit

The Booz Allen Foundation is hosting the San Diego Equitable AI Education Summit in partnership with the AI Education Project (aiEDU) and EIS at the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation on November 2, 2023 | 10:30am – 3:00pm.

This Summit will feature a mix of informational sessions, lively workshops, and engaging discussions, to learn about responsible AI education, why it is important, and how to integrate it into the classroom. It will provide cutting-edge resources, insights, strategies, and practical tools to support responsible AI education and to prepare students for the digital future.

Click below for more information and to register:

Register for Tech Camp at EIS!

Support EIS at Chipotle on October 25th!



Have you participated in programs or volunteered at the Elementary Institute of Science?
Whether you’re still in high school, college, working or retired, we want to know what you’ve been up to and if you have thoughts about any impact EIS had on your life or career. Please send an email to our Development Assistant, Leah Oviedo at

EIS alumni are invited to join our official group to reconnect and stay updated on future reunions.

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Use the form below to contact EIS staff, and we will respond as quickly as possible!

Elementary Institute of Science
608 51st Street
San Diego, CA 92114